Sunday, May 5, 2013

One year in Washington

So you know by the tile what this post is going to be about. I for one still can't believe it. Has it really been a year already? I must say that this place has really tested me. I really feel like it was a harder year than it should have been. It was not as hard as my first year in Charleston, SC but it is next to it (as far as first year in a new place).  Charleston was my first time away from my family, and it was a hard first year because I missed them very much, Jeremy was working all of the time (this is when I thought that was all of the time) (that was nothing compared to a deployment or any sea duty, which is actually working all of the time), I had a baby to take care of, and I didn't really know anyone there. It was a bad first year.

Here I just think that the stress of buying a new house right after moving across country, the weather, and also the fact that I have met very few people here, are the reasons why this as been a tough year. I guess it could always be worse. Other than all of that I think I'm adapting fine. A few weeks ago I deemed myself a true Washingtonian because when I started the car I switched on the windshield wipers out of habit, and it was sunny out. I guess I'm just use to it raining all of the time. I'm still not sure I like it here to much. I feel as if I am really trying though. It is beautiful here with the mountains and all, but you don't get to see them on most days, and I feel like the area is very run down. There isn't much here in the first place, and the whole area could use some TLC. I guess after living in nicer cities you get standards.

I've had a lot of late night talks with God since moving here. Most of it has been WHY, why here? I still believe he has his reasons, and I know I need to respect that, and I am. So because of that I'm just trying my hardest to find a way to like this place, to find a way to keep every other place I love more than here (lets face it, at is point it's almost everywhere) out of my mind. I'm trying to just love this place for what it is, and be happy that I'm here. Oh if only Jessica and Jessica lived here, I'm sure they would keep my spirits up. Hear that you two? You guys willing to move out here? Yup after I just talked so highly about this place... please ;)

Okay switching subjects now. So guess who is joining the Military wife lifestyle? My little sister Shelby. She got engaged to a Marine a few weeks ago (Also named Randy, so now family reunions will be very confusing with him, my dad, and me all named Randy/Randi). I just got the news Wednesday that she will be moving to Hawaii in the fall (yeah WOW). He's in "A" school right now, and should be moving in October. There is so much for her to do, and learn but I know she will be fine. How exciting this that though, that your first duty station is in Hawaii? Needless to say I very excited for her. I know she will love it there, and do just fine. I am also slightly jealous Hawaii sounds like an awesome place to live.

Oh and also I started a garden (I know this post is all over the place).

It was not easy. Our house was a remodel, that someone bought just to make a profit. So after they remodeled they covered the backyard with sod, which is great until you decide to dig it up. Yeah that took a while. After all of that I began to till the ground. That was not easy either because we have a lot of rocks apparently. So I finally finish that, then I poured potting soil on top and then planted. I got all of the plants at Lowes. I've always wanted a vegetable garden, but I have never really been successful at it. I would always plant one, then our dog would always destroy it. This is one of the many reasons why I'm not much of a dog person (Jeremy however is). I'll have to let you guys know if it works out this time.

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