Today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to share my frustration with you guys! Aren't you so excited?... ? ... Right...
So I guess what I should do first is let you guys know, what has me so frustrated. The answer... Military Housing. Okay not really a big surprise to all of you Military wives out there. We all know how it is... In most military areas you run into one of these two problems. Either they will have to many units, and start renting them out to civilians and the neighbor hoods will go bad (I don't have anything agents civilians, but they just don't pick good people), or they will have not enough units, and not enough by a long shot. It's just frustrating. Now on the bright side it's not like this at all Military bases, just most of them.
Okay now I'll tell my story. I applied for housing in Silverdale, WA back in October (the second that my husband brought his orders home). It only took a few days to get them all of the paper work they needed and they were good. The lady told me that I could call back in February to check my spot on the list (okay cool). She did tell me that she might not be able to get us a 5br (because they only had a few), but she could defiantly get us a 4br. I thought "Okay everything is good now, I have nothing to worry about, and we'll have a place to live come May." I was excited about it! I enjoyed going to the web site, and looking at the pictures, wondering which unit would be ours. So come February (just a few weeks ago) I called to see where we were on the list. 98...98? ... "98?" That didn't sound promising to me, but I'm not an expert so I asked. "Is that good? Do you think we'll get a place by May?" and she answered "Yeah we move through a lot of people, I don't think you'll have any problems." So I trusted her... Two weeks later I call to check again. I wanted to see if we moved any, and how much. If we moved 8 to 10 spots then that would really make me feel better. 98... 98... "still 98" (not good). I was going to ask some more questions, but this lady must have been in a hurry, because she hung up once the number was out of her mouth. I was a little shocked after that. I walked around all day wondering "Did I hear her right?" "Did she look at the number wrong?" After sleeping on it, I decided to call again, at a different time in the day. I was hoping to get someone different. This time a man pick up the phone (okay good, this is defiantly someone different). So I ask him our spot, and it really didn't surprise me when he said 98. So I ask him "Do you think will get a unit by May?" and he says "At this point no, and I'll explain. We base it by your husband's transfer date, and our waiting list is 4 to 8 mouths long after (AFTER), your transfer date." (So the one lady lied to me) and (well there's some fine print for you). So I thanked him for being honest with me, but really... If I had known this from the beginning, than it really wouldn't be a big deal. I would have prepared myself for it, and I would have already set up alternatives, but at this point with only 9 weeks left, I'm not happy. Sure I can do it, I can find us a place in that amount of time, it's just going to be stressful and crazy (yup that's all).
So that's it, just some frustration, and a lesson learned. Always ask how long the waiting list is that moment you send in the paper work.
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