Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013

Hi guys! I know this post is only hours after the last one, but this one is about what we've been up to, if you are curious about that.

The kids' last day of school was the 13th and they still have one more week of vacation (yes one more week of vacation for me as well). I'm so thankful for the opportunity to homeschool and the freedom it has brought us. Our time off is always up to us, and I love that.

So monday the 16th, having no school, my plan was to go to the commissary and get everything that I would need for Christmas dinner. I forgot however, that the commissary is no longer open on Mondays, so I drove all the way to the good commissary on Bangor, only to have to drive all of the way back. I ended up shopping at WinCo foods, and that place was pretty good. The prices were close to commissary prices, and the only draw back was that we had to bag our own groceries, but that's what the boys are for right? They loved it! I held back the bread and eggs, than let them go at it, and they did a pretty good job. I did however get some pretty interesting looks from the other shoppers there, yes I'm the crazy lady with all of the kids.

We saw the movie Frozen on the 21st (yes the first day of winter, very appropriate). It's a great movie! The story and character are very touching and lovable. Olivia loved the movie so much that she bought Frozen character barbies and a nightgown with some of her Christmas money
See! Gotta love the bed head in this picture :)

I got to Skype with my family that next day (the 22nd), they were having a football / white elephant party. It was fun to watch. After the Skype call Jeremy and I ordered pizza! Jeremy's sister gave us 4 free pizza coupons for Christmas (she works at a Papa Johns, and knows that we love pizza). So we log onto the website to place our order, and low and behold we have enough reward points for yet another free pizza. So yes, we got 5 pizzas that night, and it was wonderful. The way I see it is, I didn't have to cook for 2 nights (AWESOME!).

Christmas morning was wonderful. I feel like we picked out awesome gifts for the kids, and it was a very relaxing day. I know I've said this before, but Christmas day is my favorite day out of the whole year. I get to reward my kids, for just being mine, I get to eat great food, and I get to sit around in my pjs all day.

This year Jeremy surprised me with an awesome gift, he bought me a Kitchenaid Mixer. I have been wanting one for a long time. With it he bought a whole bunch of boxed cake, cookie, and brownie mixes (he was thinking with his stomach that day). My friend Jessica who lives in southern California, is probably gagging right now because "Those boxes just have junk in them." and she is right, and I do have recipes that I make from scratch, but it's nice to be lazy sometimes.

Our chickens finally started to lay eggs (well we think two of them have anyways). This happened on the 27th. We woke up to find 2 eggs in the coop that day, and have gotten 1 egg each day since.
Our 2 eggs (from the first day)

Our chickens... this is Sunny, 


Yolkie, and Omelet

So yes once again Christmas is over, it came and went so fast. I'm grateful for another wonderful year, and I'm also grateful for one more week off of school (yes we don't start our school work again until next Monday the 6th), I'm going to need it. :)

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