Well school is officially out for the Legates family. I'm so glad, as I'm sure you can imagine. We finished almost two weeks ago on the 8th. It always feels great to finish a school year. I however have only gained a little more free time, because I still have to get Olivia fully ready for kindergarten. Yeah, that's always tons of fun (not really). My daughter is really smart and catches on to things quick, but she is also stubborn (joy). Well you can't have everything, and if there is one thing that I have learned during this whole teaching my children experience is that you have to adapt. Wish me luck with that.
So now for some good news. I am starting my YouTube hair tutorials back up. So you can expect the next one this Sunday. I am also going to be doing a bonus video once a month with an unboxing. I got Jeremy a subscription to Loot Crate for father's day, and he got me a subscription to Geek Fuel for mother's day. Our first boxes should be coming in a few days, and I was going to make a video showing what was in each box, and kind of do a "Geek Fuel VS Loot Crate which box is better?" sort of thing. It should be fun, and I am really looking forward to getting my first box.
My oldest so is about to turn 13. Wow! The years have gone by quick. The good news is he's a great kid, and I doubt that turning 13 will change that. He's awesome at being a helping hand around the house, and is starting to show a lot of responsibility. Yes I'm proud, and that's okay. From a mom's point of view I'm just glad I didn't mess him up some how. He was my first, and I had to learn how to do everything. It doesn't seem so bad now looking back, but I know there was a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of tears. Yes they were all worth it.
Thanks for reading, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARIEN!