Thursday, April 29, 2010

25 Random things

I did this on facebook about a year ago, but I wanted to post it on here. If you have read it before and don't care to again just skip it.

25 Random things about me...


Randi Legates

1. I cut my own hair, and it looks great! Moving on...
2. I'm a Trekkie, but you all know that.
3. I know how to solve a Rubik's cube.


4. My kids are the best.
5. The Mythbusters make me laugh.


6. I love to sing, but only in the car.
7. I've lived in 4 different states, and moved across country twice.
8. My first car was a 1971 Super Beetle! The coolest car ever!


9. I now drive a MOM car, named Phantom (by the boys), a 2004 ford Freestar.


10. I'm a Hufflepuff, for all of us Harry Potter fans.
11. I have been a Navy wife for 7 years. WOW!
12. I have all of Star Trek OS, TNG, and Voyager on DVD.
13. My first Hollywood crush was Wil Wheaton (he was Wesley Crusher on Star Trek TNG), I was 10 and I was in-love. (I had a crush on Wesley Crusher)


14. For the last 4 years, I have put up my christmas tree on the day after Halloween.
15. I like cheese A LOT!
16. Ice cream doesn't last long in this house (tee-hee).
17. My favorite food is Chili.
18. My favorite color is yellow.
19. I sleep with a stuffed pooh bear, I always have, ever since I can remember.


20. I can quote word from word the 3 original Star Wars movies.
21. My favorite song is "ShaBoom" by the Chords.
22. Switchfoot is my favorite group.


23. Legend of Zelda OoT is my favorite video game!
24. I've know my husband for almost 10 years, we met in June of 2000, when we were both 15
25. My son Darien is named after a character in the cartoon Sailor Moon.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Forensics make you hungry?

Okay so I really like the show Bones. It's one of those murder mystery shows. On this show they use the bones of victims to find out how they died and who did it. I have been using netflix to catch the ones I have missed. Jeremy doesn't really like the show all that much so I have been watching it during the day. The funny thing is, "It makes me hungry!" Really hungry! I don't normally eat while watching tv, because it's a bad habit to get into, but with this show I just can't resist. It also weird because the show is full of gross things, like half-way decomposed bodies, but that doesn't seem to bother my appetite at all. Yum right?

Monday, April 26, 2010

In-home Library!

I wanted a new book self that was specifically for home school books, and this got me looking online at the prices. Boy are things expensive now! Some places wanted close to 100 dollars for just a small book self, and I wanted a big one. So I did the smart thing, and when to Goodwill. That's right I shop there, and there is nothing wrong with that! So anyways Goodwill didn't have any big ones, but it did have two small white ones (as seen in the picture), and I really liked them. I wanted to put them in the dining area off of the kitchen because I plan on teaching in there. This gave me and Jeremy the idea to just move all of the books there. Yup in-home library. I really like it that way, I like having all of the books in one spot, and we also ordered a reading chair to put by the fireplace. Yup soon to be my new favorite room I'm sure. We've also hung up the white board in there, to aid in teaching. Yes very exciting! Okay I know I sound way to excited, and most likely you really don't care that much, but I like telling you anyways, so just deal with it.

I now have a good amount of home school books. My mom saved some of our old school books, and I have gotten some great deals on ebay, but I still have more to buy. I'm still on the waiting list for that one home school umbrella, so I still need prayer on that. I know this is what God wants us to do, so I know he will provide a way for us to do it, and help us along the way, so I'm not to worried. Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Home schooling!

Okay so I know I mentioned in another post that I was thinking about home schooling my kids, starting next school year. Well I most definitely am! I have spent the past few weeks looking for a church umbrella to go under, and unfortunately most of the church umbrella in this area (I was given a list), don't exist anymore, because the church decided to stop. I did find one, but the church is full, so I was put on the waiting list. Luckily the lady who is in-charge of it (Deborah) says that we are the only ones on the list, and that she always has spots open up during the Summer. I just need prayer, pray that God will provide a way for me to home school my kids. I have already started to order the books, and I can't wait.

The biggest problem I am having with public school right now is the other kids. It seems that most parents don't teach their kids to care for others and be mindful of what they say to others (maybe what I should say is that my biggest problem is the other parents, because a child only knows what their parents teach them). Yes I have had a problem with some of the things Darien is learning, because they just started learning about Dinosaurs, and according to the Bible the earth is about 6,000 years old, but according to scientist the earth is much older. So far this kinda of thing has only happened with Darien. I haven't had any problem with the teachers, for the most part my kids have had great teachers, so I'm not saying anything bad about them, but like I said before it's the others kids, or the other parents. The other day Zachary came up to me, and said "Mommy do you know what a shotter is?" (that's how he said it), and I said "No." (not knowing what he meant) Then he said "It's someone who shoots you." Wow yeah, and oh guess what!?! A boy at school told him. Yeah I know! Yes there are scary things in this world, and yes my kids should understand that, but I should be the one to tell him, not some bratty kid that can't even pronounce it right. Darien (my oldest), has been having to deal with bullies, and that's really hard, and I know how he feels.

Okay yes I know, my kids will have to interact with other kids, in order to develop their social skills, and that they will have to deal with the things that other kids mite say then, but it would be at church or karate, and that is more controlled (meaning more adults around), and I'll know most of the parents, so I'll know who's kid is saying what. Also they won't be spending the whole day around these kids.

I'm ready for the change, and I'm ready to teach my kids, full time, and about everything (I will need prayer in that too). Thank you for reading, and please keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Nathaniel

On this day four years ago, Jeremy and I welcomed our third son into the world! Happy Birthday Nathaniel!

We love you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Checking - in

Okay, so it has been a little while since I've written an actual post, so I'll fill you in on what has been happening in the life of Randi. 2 weeks and 2 days ago, My Mom, Dad, Mommom, Niece, Nephew, and Little Sister all came over. The boys had a blast playing with their cousins, and I loved visiting with Mom, Dad, Mommom, and Shelby. We had Tatter tot casserole for lunch, and I'm glad they liked it. It's a recipe from the Duggers ( The kids play so nicely together, and I was very proud of them, and I need to give a big shout out to Trey and McKenzie (My niece and Nephew), for being so good, because there were no fights, and no yelling. Wow, I know!

A week and 6 days ago my friend Sarah came over for a visit. I love her she is great, she has 3 kids, and she is a really sweet and uplifting person. We have lived in a lot of the same places at the same times, but didn't meet until San Diego. She now lives in VA, and only 1 1/2 hours away. Her visit was great, and the kids had a lot of fun playing, or at least it sounded that way (they made a lot of noise together). She brought a lot of JaneAnn's old clothes for Olivia, and I sent her with outfits Olivia had already grown out of, so she could give them to our friend Holly, who just had a baby. Yup that's what I call the Mommy exchange. We had Tomato soup and Grilled cheese for lunch, that was very yummy. I'm so glad she came, and I can't wait to see her again. Love ya Sarah.

Easter weekend was great! It started on Friday, because Jeremy and the kids had the day off. We went to the mall, Jeremy and the boys went to see Alice in Wonderland, and Olivia and I went shopping. Yup the fun of having a girl is starting already, because I now have someone to shop with. I got Olivia an Easter dress, and the boys Easter outfits. I was going to get myself a dress, but I didn't find one that I liked, so I decided to just stick with that dress I wore to Jeremy last homecoming.

The next day we got up early and drove down to Ocean City. My only wish is that it was warmer. We still had a good time though. We play some games at the arcade, walked the board walk, and got some yummy lunch. Unfortunately Zachary throw up during lunch. Poor little guy. We didn't know he wasn't feeling well, but after him getting sick everywhere I felt his head, and he did have a fever. We went home shortly after that, but on the way home we stopped by this old book store in Trappe. It's called Unicorn Books, and Jeremy found me an old copy of The World Of Pooh (I love Pooh). Jeremy loved the store, and he can't wait to go back and "hunt."

The next morning (Easter), Zachary was feeling better, and we went to church, and of course because it was Easter it was packed. Gotta love those people who only go to church on Easter. Jeremy's parents and Aunt Christen came over after church, and we had lunch, or maybe it was dinner beings it was around 3, by the time they got here. They live 2 hours away, and they left right after church so they really couldn't have been here any earlier. The boys had a ton of fun playing with Poppop and Aunt Chrisen, they were sword fighting, and there was a lot of laughing.

Monday Nathaniel was sick with the same thing Zachary had on Saturday. Poor buddy, that was not fun.

Tuesday the boys went back to school (spring break was over) and I took Olivia to the doctor, she now weighs 11lbs, and she is doing great. Her muscle tone is great, and she is doing everything a 2 month-old should be doing. That always good to hear. Soon she'll be able to beat up her big brothers, but lets hope she doesn't. She is now sleeping through the night, and she has also been trying to turn over. She hasn't done it yet, but shes close.

Wednesday, I was sick with the thing.... It was awful, now I know how Zach and Nathan felt. It was really bad body aches, a fever, and nausea. I took it easy, and fixed the kids hot dogs for dinner, and Jeremy popped in a frozen pizza when he got home. He had to work long hours last week, and didn't get home until late.

I am now 100% better, so no need to worry. I had an easy weekend, and tomorrow is Nathaniel's birthday!! He'll be 4.... Wow! I can't believe it. Our plans are to let him open his presents tomorrow morning, then after we drop the boys off, we are going out to get a balloon, and then Nathaniel and I are going to bake a cake. It should be fun.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Pix!



Zachary and Olivia!

Olivia and Me!

Olivia again! (sorry she is just too cute)

My 4 wonderful kids!